Payment methods

Implement a pre-built user interface for registering new payment methods.

With the moov-payment-methods drop, you can easily allow end users to register new payment methods with their existing Moov account.

If you want to set up payment methods on a new Moov account, use the moov-onboarding drop, which flows straight into payment methods after an account is created. Note that you can configure your payment method flow to support both cards and bank accounts or just one of them.

Visit our Drops 101 guide to learn the basics of properties, attributes, and initializing Drops.


Properties can be accessed through JavaScript using a reference to the moov-payment-methods element.

Property Type Description
token String Auth Token used for hitting the API. See the Scopes section for more detail.
accountID String The ID of the Moov connected account to which the payment method will be added.
open Boolean Whether or not the dialog is currently displayed to the user.
onResourceCreated Function Callback fired when the dialog creates a new resource (account, payment method, etc). Use this callback to update your token with the appropriate scopes before creating the next resource. See the Scopes section for more detail.
onError Function Callback fired when the dialog encounters an error.
onCancel Function Callback fired when the user attempts to close the dialog.
onSuccess Function Callback fired when the user links a payment method.
plaid Object A Plaid configuration object. Used for setting up a payment method through Plaid.
onPlaidRedirect Function Callback fired after following a redirect from Plaid. Provides a restoredProperties object which can be used to restore the state of the drop.
paymentMethodTypes String[] An array of allowed payment method types. Possible values are card or bankAccount.
allowedCardBrands String[] An array of allowed card brands. If this field is not provided, all card brands will be accepted. Accepted values are visa, mastercard, american-express, diners-club, discover, jcb, unionpay, maestro, mir, elo, hiper, or hipercard.
microDeposits Boolean If false, hides the micro deposit verification step when adding a payment method. Defaults to true.

How to set a property

const paymentMethods = document.querySelector('moov-payment-methods');
paymentMethods.token = 'eyjh...';
const paymentMethods = document.querySelector('moov-payment-methods');
paymentMethods.onError = ({ errorType, error }) => {
  console.log(errorType); // "bankAccount", "plaid", etc
  console.error(error); // Error message


String-type properties can be set via attributes on the HTML <moov-payment-methods> element.

Attribute Description
token Auth Token used for hitting the API. See the Scopes section for more detail.
account-id The ID of the Moov connected account to which the payment method will be added.


To add a payment method, your Moov API token must include the following scopes.

  • /
  • /accounts/{accountID}/
  • /accounts/{accountID}/cards.write
  • /accounts/{accountID}/
  • /accounts/{accountID}/bank-accounts.write

Using Plaid for instant account verification

Instead of using micro-deposit verification which can take up to a few days to complete, you can use Plaid directly from Moov Drops to add new bank accounts.

To use Plaid, you must pass a config object into the plaid and onPlaidRedirect properties of the moov-payment-methods drop.

Plaid config object parameters

Name Type Description
env "sandbox" or undefined Plaid environment. Use "sandbox" for testing. Use undefined for production.
redirectURL URL string If Plaid forces the user to a bank’s website, they will eventually return to this url. Must be a webpage on your current domain. Contact Moov Support to register this url in the Plaid dashboard.
receivedRedirectUri URL string URL of the current page. Will be a combination of your redirectURL and query parameters set by Plaid.
onSuccess (moovBankAccount) => void Optional. Callback function executed when Plaid successfully links a bank account to Moov. Moov bank account object is passed as a parameter.
onExit (err, metadata) => void Optional. Callback function executed when the user exits the Plaid flow.
onEvent (eventName, metadata) => void Optional. Callback function executed on each Plaid event.
onLoad () => void Optional. Callback function executed when Plaid loads.
const paymentMethods = document.querySelector('moov-payment-methods');
paymentMethods.token = "eyj...";
paymentMethods.accountID = "abc123...";
paymentMethods.plaid = {
  env: "sandbox",
  redirectURL: "",
  // After following a Plaid redirect, we pass the new url here
  receivedRedirectUri: window.location.href.includes("?oauth_state_id")
    ? window.location.href
    : undefined,
  onExit: (...args) => console.log("on plaid exit", ...args),
  onEvent: (...args) => console.log("on plaid event", ...args),
  onLoad: (...args) => console.log("on plaid load", ...args),
  onSuccess: (...args) => console.log("on plaid success", ...args),
// After following Plaid redirect, restore the drop to its previous state
paymentMethods.onPlaidRedirect: (restoredProperties) => {
  paymentMethods.token = restoredProperties.token;
  paymentMethods.accountID = restoredProperties.accountID; =;


Visit our guide on themes to learn how to re-style Moov Drops.